“You Are Here to Integrate and Reveal The Master Who is Already Shining Within You.”
~ The Sophia Code
Today I am highlighting an area of life that can get in the way of embracing the master within; self-love and acceptance of your body. I have come to know this area of life myself quite intimately over the years, and it has challenged me from time to time in many different ways. Consequently, in times of wrestling with the self-love of my body, I remind myself to revisit what is true.
Acceptance of your body is a personal story for each of us…
Fear of accepting your physical body can become a lifelong struggle. For that reason understanding that it is connected to your spiritual self-development and the emergence of your higher self is fundamental. Non-acceptance only limits you.
Here are a few reminders to help keep you on track or get you back on track.
- I am in tune with my body.
- How my body shows up and expresses itself every day is beautiful.
- I practice gratitude with my body instead of living in criticism.
- I surrender to any changes my body is asking for.
- I am returning to a more loving way of eating and physical self-care.
- Everything in my life is neutral until I’ve applied perspective.
- I know the truth of who I am is beautiful, strong, and worthy.
Peace and love,