Flower Moon – signifying the spring time flowers that bloom this month.
The writing of this article is inspired by the powerful mythological story of Persephone, the Greek goddess of vegetation, and wife of Hades with whom she rules the underworld. Persephone’s return from the underworld every spring is symbolic of our own return from darkness.
How does this translate? This particular full moon is special because of the nature of Scorpio itself, which rules the underworld in the archetypal world of astrology. Therefore the combination of The Flower Full Moon and Scorpio bring together both dark and light forces. These archetypal forces are felt intensely, taking you into deeper levels of understanding within current situations, many of which have been plaguing you for quite sometime. This really is breakthrough time even though you may have felt thrown back into the underworld. Staying out of reactivity is key, although very tempting and somewhat impossible! It is a full moon, emotions always run high, especially with this one. Lean in, listen quietly, don’t fear the truth – emotions love reasons to not hear the truth, this is the revolution you have been working at for quite some time. Stay the course and allow this to unfold, as you just might be surprised what you will find as Persephone makes her way out from the underworld.