Full Moon In Leo

All Blog Posts, Full/New Moon

 Hear Me Roar!

Productive drama is your goal; but is there really such a thing? Of course there is, and that will be your mission, to differentiate as you head into this highly active Super Blood Blue Moon. Leo’s expressive energy wants to play, create, direct and be seen, so life these days can get a little tricky. A motivator for change this Super Moon’s energy will rise to the occasion (as courage is Leo’s attribute) and the challenge will be for you to determine between fear and courage before sounding off.

Since the moon rules your emotional security, the rumble from down under must be answered from the intuitive heart, in this way leaving no room for any further wounding, only healing, for you and the planet. Defend only what is true in the name of love.

What was activated inside you since the last big lunar eclipse, August 21,2017 (The Path of Totality) will culminate with this January 31st eclipse. So review the last part of your year to remind yourself of the creative adventure you have been on.

Listen, can you hear the roar?


Teresa Campos

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