Express Yourself
The full moon is an emotional time; it bursts forth energy, illuminating what has been sitting inside you. Unconscious shadows are exposed as the moon’s luminosity shines upon you, becoming an invitation to become aware of what is occurring.
This moon ushers in the dynamic energy of Leo, “the lion.” Its fiery nature wants to express itself. Self-determined and a natural-born leader, it seeks to be noticed and comfortable ruling from the position of power—the urge to be radiant burns deep for Leo.
The activation of these two players, the Leo full moon, gives rise to potential drama, both wanted and unwanted; “the heart wants what the heart wants.” Ask yourself what behaviors or thoughts can no longer hide in the shadows? This full moon raises the awareness and ability to receive understanding to expand and express yourself.
Leo teaches you to love and express with courage, without dominating or manipulating to get what you want.
What firey passion of Leo wants to expand you?