Cancer Season
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac, considered to govern the period from about June 22 to July 22. Its representation is the crab.
As you read this article, imagine that you, too, walk the path of the Cancerian crab because cancer energy runs through ALL of us.
The sign of Cancer is the Universal Mother that sustains and nurtures life. Represented by the Crab, Cancer is both a land and sea creature. Feeling life sensually and physically is the sign that represents home, your roots, relationships to the tribe, your security system, and your karmic past.
Your purpose is to establish an anchor on the earth plane to ground your Spirit in physical form. This forage makes you tenacious in your search for a home. However, this search reveals a more profound truth: the discovery of your spiritual home and inner light within. This true home is the anchor that grounds your Spirit, affording you to serve and nourish the whole of humanity.
The unconscious stage of the less developed Cancerian will be bound to the emotional influences of their environment. Unaware of the self as an individual while wholly identified with tribal (familial) living, you will repeat karmic patterns keeping yourself in the cycle of homeostasis and feeling stuck. At this level of consciousness, home is only a physical dwelling and existence.
When awakening occurs and your inner journey begins, a new path is forged. A clearer sense of boundaries and separateness from instinctual co-dependency evolves. This maturity moves you from tribal home to finding home wherever you may go. Self-expression and an urge to find your place in life are applied while maintaining selfless and nurturing aspirations.
There is fulfillment and integration at its highest vibration, and you connect to your true home – the soul. At this level of evolution, the “Cancer Soul” expresses its devotion to humanity. What was once a separation to break free and find a place in life is now an illumination of universal love and the universality of life.
Namaste. Teresa