Are You Aware of the Lessons Earth School is Teaching?
We are currently in the season of the zodiac sign of Libra. Therefore, whether you are born during this time or not, this archetypal energy applies to everyone living on this planet.
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac. Symbolized by the scales of justice, motivated by its desire to create harmony amongst all people. Libra bathes in the beauty of life and seeks to partner and understand the value of intimacy between equals, recognizing fair play and diplomacy. It is the representation of the Universal Laws of Human Relations.
Fear is a powerful teacher and is typically not recognized for medicine of healing. Instead, it consumes you, thinking something is good, bad, right, wrong, safe, or unsafe, ultimately triggering your victim archetype. As you continue to read about Libra, consider how this archetypal theme is pertinent to humanity’s current collective struggles. And don’t forget that you are humanity.
Libra’s shadow energy is the need for dominance and materialism. It is egocentric, not soul-centric. It believes in an eye for an eye, and glamour is its god. This imbalance causes one to see life from the “I’m right, your wrong” mentality and seeks justice through control at all costs. It does not see equality, only difference. It aims to control, which is governed by fear.
We are in the most challenging times; a struggle to change the narrative has brought about division. Circumstances and decisions are happening, and many feel they are being controlled. Aren’t you? And what is so fascinating about these current times is that one can look in any direction and find themselves either at the effect or in support of any given issue.
This is how you change a narrative…
If humanity can wake from its slumber, harmony and balance can emerge. What was once an eye for an eye becomes eye to eye. Duality is part of life’s balance. Life does not have to be opposing scales of justice but a balance between them.
A lover of beauty and harmony, Libra’s medicine is to balance from the inside out and project that balance as beauty out into the world. It teaches you to merge the opposing forces within you, creating common threads that can unite and dance with paradox while relating through love. This is the force that will bring Humanity (You) to Oneness. Unifying this energy has the power to heal all suffering.
Peace and Harmony.